Supe Arts, Science and Commerce College Supe
Tal - Baramati, Dist- Pune - 412204 (Maharashtra) India .
Student Grievance Cell
The Student's Grievance Cell wants to encourage and uphold a supportive and impartial learning environment.
Goals Of The Student Grievance Cell :-
To assist those students who have been denied access to College services to which they are entitled.
Making college staff members courteous, responsible, and receptive to the needs of students.
To make sure that the complaints of the students are resolved effectively and fairly.
Empowers the student by initiating and following up the grievance process in accordance with college rules and regulations. The 'Student Grievance Cell' investigates and analyzes the nature and nature of complaints in a highly confidential manner. Procedural fairness is emphasized in terms of "the right to be heard and the right to be treated without prejudice".
There were no such major complaints during the year. Otherwise the complaints received were forwarded to the Principal and Examination Department for immediate redressal. In all such cases, immediate action has been taken and the cases have been settled. In all cases the aggrieved student has been informed of the measures taken and an assurance of non-repetition.
It is available to solve the academic and administrative,exam problems of the students to redress their grievances.
coordinating methods of redress for complaints between departments and students
To guide the student to solve his problem
Students' Grievance Procedure
A mechanism for resolving disputes between students and colleges is the grievance procedure. It is a way for a student who feels discriminated against or has been treated unfairly in academic or administrative matters to get their grievances addressed. It is a tool to solve a dilemma. By starting and pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with the college's rules and regulations, it allows one to express feelings. It entails an investigative process in which the "Student's Grievance Cell" gathers information and, in a strictly private manner, examines the nature and pattern of the complaints. Only those with a proper stake in the matter's resolution are given information. There has been a focus on procedural fairness
The HOD of the relevant department should receive the students' grievances. The properly completed form must be dropped off in the drop box outside the principal's office. The Principal will receive the final report based on the grievance that has been filed and resolved, and the decision regarding the next step will be made and communicated to the students.
Cell Members:-
Asst.Prof. Shinde Dattatray Maruti (Act.Principal)
Co-ordinator/Appellate Executive Officer
Asst.Prof. Maruti Bhosale
Asst. Prof. Chikane Pallavi
Asst.Prof Bhise Sunil M.
Asst. Prof. Bhosale A.S.